Well since we are starting into August, I thought it was high time to do a bit of a follow-up to the list I did at the beginning of the year on the CWTC blog regarding my most anticipated games of 2011. I outlined 10 games slated for release this year, and why it was I was looking forward to them. Now that the year is a bit more than half over, let’s see what kind of progress we have made on that list I put together back in December. In addition to that, I am including a mini demo review of a game that while it didn’t make my personal top 10, it was one that a lot of people have been waiting a long time for.
11. Demo Review- Duke Nukem Forever
This game has been a long time coming. Twelve years in fact, stuck in development hell and passed around from developer to developer. Now it’s here. I know the full game is out now, but I am going from the demo, which I played at my sister’s the other day. Let me say, I’m not impressed. Welcome to yet another modern first person shooter, to join the countless ranks already present. Well, this one is a little different. It’s incredibly crude and juvenile. If you’re looking for crude humor that’s got some wit to it, this is not your game. This is middle-school, sniggering teenage boy in sex ed humor. I didn’t have high hopes for the game when it begins with you having the option to use a urinal, or fling feces if you’re inclined. Sorry Duke, I’m not sure it was worth the wait. Give it a try if you’re a fan, but if you’re not, I’d say skip it.
10. Max Payne 3
Much like poor Duke Nukem above, this game has been rumoured and floating around for years. Unlike Duke Nukem, we’re still waiting to see if Max will get a third instalment. Apparently the game is still in development, but who knows when, if it ever, gets released. So we’ll have to see.
9. Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
This one we are still waiting on, as it is scheduled for Q4 of this year. Also, I’m still without a Wii console, so that might make things tricky.
8. Batman: Arkham City
I’m sure the Cynic and/or I will let you all know how this one is when it comes out in October. Until then, there is a five-issue comic arc that connects this to the first game written by Paul Dini (for anyone not in the know, the writer from Batman: The Animated Series, as well as the first game and much, much more). If we can get our hands on said comics, I’m sure the Cynic will let you all know how they are.
7. Marvel vs. Capcom 3
I hate to say it, but this game was rather disappointing. It was bare, with few features to make it stand out, and did not live up to the legacy of the first two games. The art style was pretty cool, using similar graphics to Street Fighter IV, but the lack of play modes really dragged it down. Now apparently there is an ultimate edition coming in November with new character, modes, and stages, stuff which probably should have been in the game to begin with. At least we still have Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (thank you X-Box Live!)
6. Star Wars: The Old Republic
And here I was itching to get back into MMO’s. This game has been pushed back, at least to around Christmas time, although next year wouldn’t surprise me either. So we go back to the waiting game. I guess I’ll just have to be patient about getting my Twi’lek Jedi Guardian. *sigh*
5. Portal 2
Now I should have already played this game. Unfortunately, there was a bunch of moving BS and gaming kind of got pushed to the back burner. Now that things have calmed down, I will try and get my hands on this and see how it is. I’m still very excited for this game, and hopefully can give it a try soon.
4. Mass Effect 3
Everybody who wanted this for Christmas, put it on your Easter lists instead. We’re looking at next March before we get to play our Shepards through the third and final game of the series. While it sucks we have to wait a couple extra months, I believe it will all be worth it in the end. And it gives me a chance to do a few more ME and ME2 run-throughs, not to mention some of that DLC.
3. Diablo III
If I know Blizzard, I’d say don’t expect this anytime soon. Beta testing is projected to begin Q3 of this year. ’Nuff said. Still, very excited, as I recently began playing Diablo II again and I can’t wait for my lady Barbarian so I can wreak havoc.
2. Mortal Kombat
I’ve already written my views on that game, so I’ll reiterate. Holy shit! This is a fighting game. This is what Marvel vs. Capcom 3 should have been. This is Mortal Kombat and fighting games at their finest, no doubt about that. Even Roland loved it, and he’ll still exclaim ‘Kaba!’ whenever he sees something MK related. As soon as we can, this is a definite buy. And to Netherrealm Studios: you guys did a beyond awesome job. Thanks for giving one of my favorite franchises the love it deserves.
1. Dragon Age II
Now this game met with mixed reviews. But I’ve made my opinions perfectly clear. BioWare characters suck me in, the cultures suck me in, and the voice acting is always superb. Really, you don’t need to hear me gush any more.
So there you have it folks, a quick rundown of my anticipated games of this year and how they've turned out so far. Stay tuned for updates as I will talk about the forthcoming games as they are released, or as we get closer to said release dates. Cause really, that's about all we can do.
Until next time!
(Sorry about the lack of pictures. The slow as molasses dial-up internet makes the process almost impossible.)
Angry Joe did a video rant about "Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3." The long and short of it is that you get 12 new characters, better balancing & Spectator Mode. The only cool characters worth mentioning are Ghost Rider & Hawkeye.